研究了利用流加技术进行发酵法生产壳聚糖 ,确定了流加成分 ,其残糖浓度控制为 3.0 %~ 3.5 % ,碳氮比可选择1∶1;同时比较了不同流加方式对壳聚糖产量的影响 ,得到恒残糖流加、恒培养基流加和恒葡萄糖流加 3种方式对壳聚糖产量提高幅度大致相同 ;分析了流加操作对生物量提高幅度不大的可能原因 ,认为搅拌桨的剪切力是影响霉菌生长的重要因素 ,同时认为发酵体系的非牛顿性导致氧的分散溶解困难 。
Application of Fed-batch technique in chitosan fermentation process was studied. Fed-batch's culture medium was determined, resident glucose 3.0~3.5%, carbon and nitrogen rate 1:1. Meanwhile, the effects of different fed-batch methods to chitosan yield were compared. The results showed that the three different fed-batch methods' contribution to improve chitosan yield were the same. The reason fed-batch technique couldn't improve chitosan yield significantly were also analyzed. The shear stress of stirrer was an important factor that effected Aspergillus growth. The non-Newton fermentation system might effectdispersion and dissolvablity of oxygen as well as Aspergillus growth.
Petrochemical Industry Technology