针对目前油田生产中大量存在的低压、低渗、低产油井 ,间歇抽油生产方式是提高油井经济效益的一种有效方法。文中根据盈亏平衡分析和环空体积平衡原理 ,从技术经济上确定单井经济界限 ,建立低效油井间歇抽油数学模型 ,确定间歇抽油井的合理工作制度 ,从而为实现间歇抽油井的优化开采和生产提供理论依据。
Aimed at the pumping wells with low pressure,low premeability and low production which abound in oil,the intermittent pumping production is a very efficient method to improve the well economic benefit.On the basis of the theory of profit and loss balance and the law of volume balance,well economy limit is detemined,and the model of intermittent pumping well is established.At the same time,the boundary condition and initiation condition are presented in this paper,finally the reasonable intermittent pumping period is solved numerically.This paper analyses dynamic behavior for the intermittent pumping parameters,and demonstrate in detail the well intermittent pumping process,and the theory for intermittent pumping is established finally in this paper.
Drilling & Production Technology