根据熔融金属/合金在石墨孔内所呈的月牙弯面形状,研究了Sn-Ni 合金对未处理和镀Ti 处理石墨的润湿性。结果表明,镀Ti 处理在石墨表面生成了一层TiC+Ti 膜,从而显著地改善了Sn-Ni 合金对石墨的润湿性。借助电子探针,作者还进一步分析了镀Ti 石墨与Sn-Ni 合金之间的界面组织特征。分析表明,镀Ti 石墨和Sn-Ni 合金之间生成了中间反应层。
According to the convex-concave characteristics of metal/alloys inside the
graphite holes,the wetting between Ti-coated graphites and Sn-Ni alloys has been studied in this
paper.It was found that Ti-TiC thin films were formed on the graphite surfaces after Ti-coating
treatment and therefore resulted into the marked improvement in the wetting of those Ti-coated
graphite surfaces with Sn-Ni alloys.The microstructure at the interfaces between Ti-coated grap-
hites and Sn-Ni alloys was examined using electron probe analyser.Examination results showed
that intermedium reaction layers were formed at the above interfaces.
Materials For Mechanical Engineering