目的 初步建立心肌损伤时心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)和肌酸激酶MB同工酶蛋白量 (CK MBmass)参考上限值。方法 检测 2 78名体检健康人血清cTnT和CK MBmass浓度 ,并测定两者不同低值浓度的批间CV ,建立实验条件下的参考上限。结果 现有技术条件下健康人体内检测不到cTnT ,天间CV 10 .3%时的cTnT浓度为 0 .0 2 8μg/L。CK MBmass第 99百分位点值为 3.2 6 μg/L。 结论 cTnT浓度 0 .0 3μg/L(CV接近10 % )、CK MBmass浓度 3.2 6
Objective To establish the reference upper level of cTnT and CK MB mass. Methods cTnT and CK MB mass was determined in 278 healthy subjects to observe the reference range. The analytical imprecision was analyzed. Results The reference range at the 99th percentile of cTnT and CK MB mass were <0.01 μg/L and 3.26 μg/L respectively. The analytical CV is 10.3% at the concentration of 0.028 μg/L for cTnT and <5% at the concentration range of 3~5 μg/L for CK MB mass. Conclusions The cutoff value of 0.03 μg/L for cTnT and 3.26 μg/L for CK MB mass could be chosen for detection of minimal myocardial damage.
Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences