监控软件所处理的对象可以抽象成特定的数据类型即数据点。监控软件的实时性要求数据点的处理在内存中进行 ,因此在内存中对数据点进行有效管理是非常必要的。提出了采用 C+ + Builder的 TL ist对象方法实现监控软件数据点内存管理和数据处理的方法 。
The object of supervisory control software can be abstracted special data type that is called data tag The real time characteristic of supervisory control software needs the proces of data tag in memory,so we must take a available way managing data tag in memory Introduces a way of impelementation of data tag memory managing and data process in the supervisory control software with TList object of C ++ Builder and gives a relative example
Modern Electronics Technique