采用化学氧化—混凝沉淀法对油田作业废液进行处理,筛选出最佳的混凝条件及氧化条件。实验结果表明,与产出水混合处理后可使原水的悬浮物从500~1000 mg/L降至<3 mg/L、总铁<0.5 mg/L。处理后的污水由处理前的黑浆状变为清澈透明,淡黄色,基本达到了注水水质标准。该方法具有投资小、净化效果好、设备简单、占地面积小、操作方便、不产生二次污染等优点。
The method of chemical oxidation and coagulating settlement is implemented to treat waste fluid from oilfield, and optimal coagulation condition and oxidation condition are selected. The result of experiment shows that the implementation of the method can reduce volume of suspended particle from 500~1000mg/L to less than 3mg/L, and that of iron to less than 0.5mg/L. The color of sewage after the treatment will be turned into clear, transparent and shallow yellow from its original black. The treated sewage will satisfy the criteria of water for injection. The method has the advantages, including small investment, good purifying effect, simple equipment, small land occupation, easy to operation and no secondary pollution etc.
Environmental Protection of Oil & Gas Fields