结合我校自动化专业教学 ,从培养高素质、复合型人才的角度 ,在教学中引入目前世界上流行的 MA TL AB软件 ,并把 MA TL AB语言应用于经典控制系统设计和分析中 ,在自动控制原理多媒体辅助教学方面做了一些有益尝试和探索 ,取得了满意的教学效果。
Combining with automation teaching and with the objective of fostering person with high quality and multi ability, this article introduces MATLAB software, which is currently popular in the world, into the teaching and applies it to the design and analysis of classic control system. It makes some introctive attempts and research in the aspect of multimedia assistant instruction in automatic control principles and achieves satisfied teaching effect.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education