A new competitive market took shape marked by the incorporation of China Telecom and China Unicom in 2002, a year in which the telecom regulation stepped on the right path. The competent departments and bureaus of Mil and local administrative authorities have made pioneering progress and garnered rich experiences related to the regulation over price war and interconnection. 2003 is a year in which full competition among carriers is ignited in a new market environment. How could Telecommunications Administrative Bureau proceed with its work as many new issues may surface? What shall be the guiding concepts and focus for telecom regulation? Mr. Su Jinsheng, Chief of the Telecommunications Administrative Bureau, said in an interview with the correspondent of our magazine that they would blaze a new trail for telecom regulation in 2003, which includes transforming administrative thoughts further; fully recognizing the role of telecom industry in the socialist modernization drive; and creating a good environment catering to WTO and telecom restructuring to promote effective competition in this field.
China Telecommunications Trade