目的 为了探讨南阳市学龄儿童感觉统合失调的分布特点及父母养育方式与儿童感觉统合功能的关系。方法 经瑞文推理测验初步筛选智力正常的儿童 6~ 9岁共 5 66人。采用“儿童生活环境调查表”、“感觉统合评定量表”、“儿童生活养育问卷 (EMBU)”等进行测评比较。结果 感觉统合失调率轻度为 1 8.4% ,重度为 6.76% ,男孩略高于女孩。 6~ 7岁组感觉统合失调率最低 ,与其它年龄组比较有统计学意义 ,P<0 .0 5。学习成绩差者感觉统合失调率最高 ,显著高于学习成绩上等和中等儿童。父母间的养育类型呈明显不相关 ,其中位于对角线上的相同养育类型的相关系数都是最大的。结论 学龄儿童感觉统合失调是学习困难的重要原因 ,多分布于学习成绩差者 ,感觉统合失调与父母养育方式关系密切 ,如拒绝和偏爱 ,平时孩子由非父母照料 ,家庭支持系统差和居住环境恶劣 。
Objective To explore the relationship between the distributing traits of sensory integrative dysfunction or parental rearing form and children sensory integrative function for school-age children in Nanyang city.Methods 566 children aged 6~9 years old whose intelligence was normal and were screened with Raven's Progressive Matrices were tested using the CLEI,SITS and EMBU.Rusult Mild dysfunction rate of sensory integration was 18.4% and the severe 6.76%,and that of the male was slightly higher than that of the female.The dysfunction rate of the group aged 6~7 years old was the lowest,which had statistic significance compared with other age groups(P<0.05);That was higher in children who had bad achievement than in ones did the better and best,which was positively related to the inter-parental educational types,and the relative index at diagonal all were the largest.Conclusion The sensory integrative dysfunction was the most important cause of studying difficult,that of the students whose achievement was bad was closely related to parental rearing form,the negative effects of the development of children sensory integration function were refuse and bias,non-parental care,bad family support system and living environment,parental hyper-expected value and larger difference of parental age.
Health Psychology Journal
School-age children Sensory integrative dysfunction Investigation Reside environment