目的 通过对肺内疾病中树芽征出现规律的分析 ,探讨高分辨率CT(HRCT)对树芽征在肺的疾病鉴别诊断中的价值。方法 回顾性分析了 3 5例经病理证实的出现树芽征的肺内疾病 ,并对树芽征出现的规律进行总结。结果 在 3 5例出现树芽征的肺内疾病中 ,各种原因引起的感染性细支气管炎 15例 ,经气道播散的肺结核 14例 ,弥漫性泛细支气管炎 2例 ,过敏性肺炎 2例 ,刺激性物质吸入 1例 ,支气管扩张 1例。结论 高分辨率CT上树芽征在肺内疾病鉴别诊断中具有很高价值。
Objective To evaluate the value of HRCT in differential diagnosis of the lung diseases by analyzing the pattern of the tree in bud. Methods The results of pathology and the pattern of tree in bud on 35 patients with various lung diseases were reviewed retrospectively. Results The causes of tree in bud included 15 patients with brochititis infected by different pathogen,14 patients with spreading tuberculosis in the endobrochium,2 patients with diffuse pan bronchiolitis (DPB),2 patients with allergic pneumonia,1 patient with irritant substances and 1 patient with broch ectasis. Conclusion The pattern of tree in bud is a valuable sign in differential diagnosis of the lung diseases.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology