目的 探讨额肌瓣悬吊术矫正重度先天性上睑下垂的临床效果。 方法 距上睑缘 3~4mm皮肤切口 ,向上潜行剥离至眉弓上 1cm ,在上睑眉弓皮肤下与骨膜之间制作 2cm向下滑动的额肌瓣 ,将额肌瓣和上睑睑板缝合固定。结果 4 6例 (5 7只眼 ) ,5 4只眼 1次手术成功 ;2只眼欠矫 ,1只眼倒睫 ,经 2次手术调整缝线眼睑位置及睫毛位置正常。随访 6个月~ 2年 ,眼睑位置正常 ,无并发症。结论
Objective To observe the clinical effects of muscular frontal flap suspension surgery on sever congenital blepharotosis.Methods A skin incision 3-4cm away from upper lid margin to the place 1cm above the superciliary arcy was made in operation.A muscular frontal flap of 2cm in length was made between superciliary arch and periost and sutured to the upper lid plate.Results Of the 57 eyes,54 were cured after operation,two had less effects and one suffered from trichiasis after operation.The latter three cases received a second treatment by adjusting the suture positions.The follow up survey of 6 months to 2years showed that eyelids have restored to the normal positions without complications.Conclusion Muscular frontal flap suspension operation is an ideal operation for severe congenital blepharoptosis.
Journal of Linyi Medical College