中日两国同属东方文化圈 ,在教育制度、教育观念、教育方法等方面有许多异、同之处 ,而两国的私立高等教育政策也具有一定的可比较性。本文拟从中选取立法政策、资助政策、管理政策和产权政策这四个方面 ,就中日私立高等教育的相关政策进行比较分析 ,并在此基础上对我国私立高等教育事业中政策的制定和实施作浅显思考 ,以期引起关注。
There are many similar aspects such as institution, idea, and method with which can be compared between education in China and that in Japan; and alsothere are many different ones with which can be contrasted. Based on this fact.The policies about private higher education in both countries were compared andcontrasted, in which the four respects i.e. legislation, finance, management and property ownership were referred and analyzed. Besides, some points about making Chinese private higher educational policy were mentioned.
Modern University Education