通过文献法、问卷调查法等研究手段调查发现 ,部分高校开设了健美课 ,大学生开始的负重练习热情很高 ,但是学生从事练习的人数却呈现下降趋势 ,探究造成学生淡出负重练习现状的原因 ,引导大学生科学的进行健身 ,增强负重练习意识。
Collage students are expecting to do more loading exercises in a scientific way. But actually the exercises they do are getting less and worse. This contradiction is demonstrated in the documents and question airs supplied by some colleges and universities, which are offering gym courses. The purpose of the paper is to study the reasons for the contradiction. In addition, the paper also helps to increase students' awareness of the importance of loading exercises and instructs them to do the exercises in a scientific way.