知识经济初露端倪 ,催生了创新教育理念的产生。现代教育教学目标重在培养学生的创新能力。在思想政治课教学中 ,如何通过开展研究性学习 ,培养学生的创新精神、创新思维和创新能力。文章试从教育理念的转变、教师角色的转换、教学方法的更新以及考核。
The upspring of knowledge economy hastens the birth of education concept creativity. The teaching aim of modern education attaches importance to the students' ability of creativity. In teaching politics, research-learning approach can foster the students' ability, spirit and thinking of creativity as well. This article is intended to tackle these from the viewpoints of changing of education notions teaching roles and approaches, examination and assessment systems included.