

A Brief Discussion on ASEAN' s Strategic Position to China in targeting its Goal of Economy at the Corner of the 21st Century
摘要 东盟是太平洋与印度洋之间的交通咽喉。在我国走向21世纪大国过程中,东盟地区极具战略意义。它是我国重要的贸易伙伴,是我国实现可持续发展重要外部条件,是我国抵抗欧美经济强权的强大后方,是我国建立东亚自由贸易区的先行地区。 The Association of South East Asian Nations ( ASEAN) is one of newly rising markets with the little advanced level of economy than our country. It is of strategic importance to our country on the way of prosperity in the 21st century. Besides, it is an important trade partner of our country, and is one of the important external condition for the sustainable development of China. In addition to that, it plays the role as the wider base of our country to resist the European and American economic powers, and it' s also the first object to create Free Agreement economic might, and it' s also the first object to create Fee Trade Agreement before our country tends to the East Asian Free Trade Agreement.
作者 段凤华 刘军
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2002年第6期6-8,共3页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
关键词 东盟 经济大国 中国 21世纪 战略地位 可持续发展 China 21 st world economic power ASEAN strategic position
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