党的十六大报告回顾和总结了十三年的不平凡历程和丰富的经验 ,具有系统的总结性 ;在深刻分析形势的基础上 ,提出了鼓舞人心的奋斗目标 ,具有全局的战略性 ;全篇贯穿“三个代表”重要思想这一主线 ,具有很强的指导性。认真学习十六大报告 ,必须深刻认识上述显著特征 。
Jiang Zemin's Report in The 16th CPC National Congress summarized and reviewed the extraordinary successes and rich experiences so that it has systemic summarizing character. It presents the exercising aim on the base of deeply analyzing the situation so that it has overall strategic character. The report run through the main line of the important thought of ' The Three Representatives' so that it has great leading character. When studying the report of The 16th CPC national Congress, we should deepen our comprehension of the remarkable features in order to have a good command of the spirit qualities of the report.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning