契丹人在蒙元初期随蒙古军进驻云南以后 ,因长期受当地汉族、彝族、白族、傣族及古代濮人孟高棉语族的各种物质文化相互渗透和影响 ,其后裔在饮食、服饰、民居等方面 ,逐渐改变了祖国北方古契丹人的习俗 。
In the early Yuan dynasty, the Qians followed the Mongolian army and settled down in Yunnan, Since then, they had been under the influence of various kinds of material culture, especially those of the Hans, the Yis, the Bais, the Dais, the ancient Pus and other Mon-Khmer groups. As a result, their customs related to diets, clothes, houses, and others were different from those of their northern brothers and formed a new typical material culture.
Journal of Yunnan University of the Nationalities(Social Sciences)