脑膜白血病是在白血病的基础上发生的脑部继发疾病 ,可导致一系列的脑细胞、细胞的病理变化和神经功能的缺损 ,甚则发生脑疝死亡。其病机在于内伤积损日久 ,肝肾气血失调 ,骤起时邪毒入脑 ,瘀毒胶结为患。治疗宜凉血益髓并举。常用清营汤合虎潜丸 ,并以紫河车粉加入猪脊髓、牛脊髓蒸熟 ,捣烂和入米粉中 。
Meningeal leukemia is a secondary encephalopathy on the basis of leukemia,it can cause cerebrocellular and cellular pathologic changes and defect of nerve function and even died from cerebral hernia.The pathogenesis are internal injury accumulating for a long time,derangement of qi and blood in Liver and Kidney,pathogenic factors invaded into brain suddenly and blood stasis combined pathogenic factors being the disease.The suitable therapy was removing heat from the blood and raplenishing marrow.Qingying decoction combined with Fuqian pills were used often,pig and cow spinal cord were added into placenta honinis powder then steamed and pound to pieces and mixed ground rice into it,the medicine was taken with sugar.
Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine