本文介绍了一种以组分材料性能为基础确定SMC材料平面及交叉方向热弹性能的计算预测方法。将SMC材料模型看作对称的三层复合材料结构 ,因此采用经典的层板理论来探讨SMC的有效变形特征。中心层的性能用单向复合材料来表达 ,用Kerner -Hashin理论来预测颗粒填料复合材料的性能 ;对片状颗粒填料的复合材料Lewis -Nielser理论可使试验与理论数据很好符合。
On the basis of properties of different components,a calculation method is developed to determine the in-plane and in cross direction thermo-elastic properties of SMC.Building up a model as a symmetric three-layer composite, the paper discusses the classical laminate theory to determine the effective deformation characteristics.The properties of center layer are expressed by UD-composites.The Kerner-Hashin theory can predict particle composite properties,and Lewis-Nielser theory can make great agreement between theoretical and experimental values when used in platelet particle composite.The application of low-profile additive affects properties of this system,and it could not only be described by the mechanical model.
Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites