在水稻上施用复合氨基酸螯合物复混肥、普通复混肥 ,与施等量养分的单质氮磷钾化肥进行对比 ,结果表明 ,复合氨基酸螯合物复混肥的肥效优于普通复混肥和等量养分的单质氮磷钾化肥 ,水稻产量增 7.1%~ 10 .7% ,锌·氨基酸螯合物能提高水稻秸秆中的锌含量 ,并能促进稻米中粗蛋白质的合成 ;效益分析得投入产出比为 1∶2 .15。
In the present study, amino acid chelate compound fertilizer, common compound fertilizer and other fertilizers containing the equal contents of straight inorganic NPK fertilizer were carried on lateseason rice in field experiment. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Compared with common compound fertilizer and the other fertilizers, the fertilizer efficiency of amino acid chelate compound fertilizer was better and the rice yield in use of the amino acid chelate compound fertilizer was higher, increasing 7.1% to 10.7%. Zincchelate compound could improve the contents of zinc in the straw so that the synthesis of protein in grain was promoted. Applying amino acid chelate compound fertilizer achieved a 1∶2.15 ratio of investment to output value.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences