《水浒传》的女性描写 ,既可从其作者或人物角度进行解读 ,也可从叙事建构角度予以观照。本文指出《水浒》女性之所以多被贬损或丑化 ,虽然与作者妇女观落后及小说所写人物的特殊性有关 ,但也是因为她们在很大程度上被作者当成了叙事建构物。作为叙事建构物 ,其主要功能就是诱使英雄犯罪 ,使英雄流落江湖 ,聚向梁山。因此其思想性格及行事逻辑等 ,也可以说是根据故事情节建构和发展的需要而产生的。只有注意到这一点 ,才能对《水浒》的女性描写作出较为全面的审美评价。
The features of female characters in the fiction Water Margin can be interpreted either from the author's attitudes and the character's personality,or from the narrative construction.The author of this paper holds that females in this fiction are belittled or vilified because,for one reason,the author of the fiction holds a backward viewpoint on women, and the characters in it have special features,and because,for the other,females in the story are employed by the author as a means of narrative construction,whose main function is said to lure the heroes into serious crimes which cause them to live a vagabond life and gather in the lake area Liangshan as their rebelling base.Considering their ideas,personality and logic of behaviors,these female characters are created according to the need for the plot structure and development.An all_sided aesthetic judgement can be made on narration of females only on the basis of the awareness of this fact.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
Water Margin
portrait of female characters
narrative construction