优良的学风是高等学校生存发展的必要条件 ,也是高校培养优秀人才的一条重要途径。当前 ,尽管各个高校都十分重视加强学风建设问题 ,但是由于来自社会、家庭和学生个人等方面的原因 ,高校学风中仍然存在不少问题。针对这一状况 ,本文提出了加强学风建设的若干建议。
Good style of study is the necessary condition for the survival and development of a university,and an important way to train and bring up graduates who have high qualities.Despite the effort of the universities to enhance the construction of style of study and to improve the academic atmosphere and discipline,some problems still exist in this aspect because of society,families and undergraduates themselves.Therefore,some suggestions are given in this article.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition