目的 评价超声下子宫输卵管碘油造影术在临床上的应用价值。方法 子宫输卵管碘油造影术与超声相结合。结果 5 40例不孕妇女中 ,双侧输卵管完全通畅者占 5 4.82 % ,双侧完全阻塞、单侧阻塞及通而不畅的比例分别为 2 5 .74%、7.96%和 11.48% ;46例经该方法诊断为双侧输卵管远端完全阻塞的病例 ,经腹腔镜诊断证实 ,两种方法诊断符合率为 10 0 % ;行造影术时月经干净的天数及注入碘油量的差异与碘油静脉返流的发生率有显著性意义。结论 输卵管性不孕已成为女性不孕症的最重要的病因 ;适当选择行造影术的时间和注入碘油的量有预防和明显降低碘油静脉返流的发生率 ;超声下子宫输卵管碘油造影术具有直观、无创、简便、经济、诊断准确率高等优点 。
Objective To assess the diagnostic value of hysterosalpingography (HSG) guided by ultrasound.Methods Hysterosal pingography is combined with ultrasound.540 cases of infertility were observed by ultrasound guided HSG.Results (1)The proportion of infertile women who have two passable fallopian tube is 54.82%,that who have bilateral impassable tube is 25.74%,only one passable side is 7.96%,11.48% is partially passable.(2)46 cases that have two impassable tube were confirmed by laparoscopy,the coincisence rate is 100%.(3)For the countercurrent of iodized oil,the significance of the difference of the time after menses' completion and the volume of iodized oil which be injected into uterus is very striking.Conclusions (1)Tubal infertility has become the most importance type of infertility.(2)To select suitable time and the volume of iodized oil when HSG was carried out is very important to avoid or reduce the occurrence of the countercurrent of iodized oil.(3)Ultrasound guided HSG is visual?safe?handy?economical,and has a high rate of accurate diagnosis.It may be the prefered method in passable test of infertility.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine