悼亡文学是祭悼活动发展到一定阶段的产物 ,其起源与发展从一开始就受社会文化、民族心理、地理环境等因素的影响和制约。悼亡作品中创作主体的情感通常表现为一定的模式 ,这些情感模式展示了传统的爱情观 ,特别是对失落的爱情的态度。而悼亡作品的价值取向又表现了传统的爱情价值观和自我价值观的统一。
Mourn literature is the product from memorial ceremony.The thesis of mourn poems is often expressed in traditional love mode,especially in lost love attitude.The value of mourn poems is often expressed in traditional love and self value.The emotion and value of mourn poems set up the special feature of literature for mourn poetry.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))