本文选用 ICR 雄性小鼠,经腹腔分别注射不同剂量的^(125)I 及^(131)I,观察并比较它们对小鼠精子畸形发生率的影响及染毒后睾丸中放射性活度的变化。实验结果表明:(1)^(125)I 染毒后4—5周,0、185、370和555 kBq 各组精子畸形发生率分别为9.00‰、9.57‰、11.6‰及13.9‰;^(131)I 染毒后4—5周,上述各组精子畸形发生率分别为8.50‰、12.5‰、14.7‰和15.5‰;在相同注入量下,^(125)I 与^(131)I 诱发小鼠精子畸形发生率的差异各组均不显著(X^2检验,p>0.05)。(2)^(125)I、^(131)I 染毒后2h 至7天内,两者在睾丸中的放射性活度及变化规律相似,即在染毒后2h 达最高值,每克睾丸中^(125)I 和^(131)I 的放射性活度分别占初始注入量(370 kBq)的0.72%和0.50%,然后迅速下降,至一周时,仅分别占初始注入量的0.035%和0.011%。
In this paper,a comparison of effects of ^(125)I and ^(131)I on the rate of abnormal sperm and theradioactivity in testicles of mice was described.In the experiment,different doses of ^(125)I and ^(131)Iwere injected intrapeniteneally into male ICR mice,respectively.The results show that for mice into which 0,185,370 and 555 kBq of ^(125)I was injected,rates of abnormal sperm were 9.0‰,9.6‰,11.6‰and 13.9‰ at 4 and 5 weeks after injection,and that for animals into which the above-mentioned doses of ^(131)I were injected,the same parameter was 8.5‰,12.5‰,14.7‰and 15.5‰respectively.No significant difference(X^2 test,p>0.05)was found in the rate of abnormal spermof mice between ^(125)I and ^(131)I.For ^(125)I and ^(131)I,the results also show a similar pattern of change in theradioactivity of testicle tissue at 2 hrs and up to 7 days after injection:a peak of radioactivity intesticle tissue was found at 2 hrs after injection and the activity per gramm of testicle tissue was0.72%(for ^(125)I)and 0.50%(for ^(131)I)of the original,then the activity per gramm of testicle tissuedecreased quickly and only 0.035%(for ^(125)I)and 0.011%(for ^(131)I)of the original at the and of firstweek after injection.
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