1David A. Wiley, Utah State University. Connecting learning objects to instructional design theory: A definition, a metaphor, and a taxonomy[DB/OL]. Available: http://www. reusability.org/read/chapters/wiley. doc. 2002-4-4.
4Cisco Systems. Inc. April 22, 2000: Reusable Learning Object Strategy: Definition, Creation Process, and Guidelines for Building. [DB/OL]. Available: http://www.cisco. com/warp/public/10/wwtraining/elearning/implement/rlo_strategy_v3-1.pdf,2002 -4-23.
5M. David Merrill. Utah State University, Instructional Transaction Theory (ITT): Instructional Design Based on Knowledge Objects.[DB/OL]. Available: http://id2. usu.edu/ Papers/7ReigChp. PDF. 2002-4-23.
6M. David Merrill. Knowiedge Objectsp[Z].Utah State University.
8Andrew S. Gibbons. Jon Nelson. Utah State University; Robert Richards, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. The Nature and Origin of Instructional Objects [DB/OL]. Available: http://www. reusabilitv. org read.2002-4-23.