资本市场是市场经济的产物。我国的信贷资本市场是整个资本市场的重要组成部分 ,它运作的好坏 ,机制是否健全、灵活、高效 ,不仅决定着信贷资本的供求双方资本的质量和数量 ,而且在某种意义上也对国家的金融风险和经济安全产生巨大影响。
The capital market is a result of market economy.Our credit capital market is an important part of the whole capital one.Whether or not its mechanism is perfect,flexible and efficient,it not only decides quality and quantity of supply and demand of the credit capital,but also in some clegree it produces a great effect on the financial risk and the economic safety.
Journal of Changchun University