评价螺旋CT在尘肺影像诊断中的价值。材料和方法 :回顾性分析39例尘肺的胸片与螺旋CT的影像表现。结果 :螺旋CT检查的39例中有23例出现散在的2~9mm圆形结节影 ,大于10mm的大结节有12例 ,29例患者有不同程度的肺气肿 ,35例显示胸膜病变 ,11例分别患有新老肺结核灶 ,34例有不同组的淋巴结肿大或钙化。纠正胸片误诊的Ⅰ期尘肺5例 ,Ⅱ期尘肺1例 ,发现胸片未能准确分期的Ⅱ期尘肺4例、Ⅲ期尘肺2例。结论 :螺旋CT在显示尘肺的直接征象和间接征象上较常规胸片敏感 ,可以弥补X线平片的许多不足 ,有利于尘肺的正确诊断和鉴别诊断 。
To evaluate the diagnostic value of spiral CT in pneumoconiosis.Material s and Methods:Chest radiographic and spiral CT images were analyzed retrospectiv ely in 39 cases of pneurnoconiosis confirmed by clinic and radiography.Results:S cattered round nodules were seen with diameters of 2~9mm in CT in 23 case and n odules over 10mm in 12 cases.Other findings in CT were as follows:emphysema in 2 9 patients,tuberculosis in 11 patients,and lymph node enlargement or calcificati on in 34 cases.Conclusion:Spiral CT which comparison with plain radiography is p roven to be a relatively precise examination method in the characterization of d irect and indirect signs of pneumoconiosis,and can help radiologists to avoid mi stakes and achieve accurate diagnosis.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging