死亡观是医学伦理教育的一个重要问题。加强死亡观教育、认识死亡的本质及生命的神圣性不仅可以使个体生命更积极、更健康 ,也可推动社会的进步。在死亡观教育中应当坚持生命神圣与生命价值观的统一 ,认识医学不断进步与医学技术局限性及卫生资源有限性等问题。
The death sense is an important problem in the medical ethics education. Making the good death viewpoint educated, cognition the innate character of the death and the sacred of the life can not only make the individual life more positive and health, but also can accelerate social progress. In the death sense education, It is important to insist on the unify of sacred viewpoint and life worth viewpoint, To be knowed the medical technique is not consummated and hygiene resources is limited etc.
Medicine and Society