Based on the sedimentary characters of Xikou Formation (T_1) such as the lithological types,sedi-mental structures,ecological assemblages and trace elements in clayrock,an analysis is herein made onthe palaeowaterbody depth,palaeocurrent direction and sedimental facies distribution during XikouStage.During early Xikou Stage there is a distribution of four sedimental facies from southeast to north-west in Fujian Province,e.i.the wadd lagoon,platform-maginal shoal,platform foreslope and shelf-margin basin,and during late Xikou Stage only the wadd lagoon facies is in existence which can be di-vided into both the wadd and lagoon subfacies.After studying the active characters and setting of struc-tures in the syndepositional stage that control the development of sedimental basin,the author consideredthat the formation and development of the sedimental basin result from the rifting of intercontinentalmassifs under the condition of plate spreading.
Geology of Fujian