R40 7C、R5 0 7A、R40 4A和R410A混合冷媒按气、液相方式进行充注时 ,冷媒容器内的冷媒成分会或多或少地随着冷媒容器移充填率的变化而变化。因此 ,本文建议充注任何混合冷媒时 ,都应该采用液相方式进行充注 ,同时为了将冷媒成分变化控制在 2 %以内 ,R40 7C冷媒容器中最后的 10 %冷媒剩余量不应再进行充注 ,R5 0 7A、R40 4A和R410A冷媒容器中的最后冷媒剩余量可控制在 5 %。
When charging the mixture refrigerant, such as R407C,R507A,R404A and R410A, by using the gas state and the liquid state,the components of the refrigerant in the tank are sure to be changed in different rates with the charged rate. Therefore, the mixture refrigerant is proposed to be charged in the liquid state.What's more,the tank of R407C refrigerant should remain 10% tank's capacity and the tank of R507A,R404A and R410A refrigerant should remain 5% tank's capacity in order to limit the rate changing of the components within 2%.
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning