This paper reports on the typomorphic characteristics of the minerals from both theHanjia and Yantang Massifs of Middle Proterozoic in Jianning area of Fujian Province. Thetwo massifs, derived from the upper mantle, have 28 species of accessory minerals such asnatural iron, chromite, zircon, sphene, rutile and so on. The formation of the minerals is inthree crystallization stages. They are characterized by enrichment of natural iron, chromiteand hafnium-rich zircon, and the zircons from the two massifs have high indexes of columnfaces and of pyramid faces. The zircons from the meta-quartz diorite and meta-quartz-micadiorite in the area have two main types and seven subtypes, separately. Based on the typomophiccombination of accessory minerals and the typomorphic characteristics of zircons, itis concluded that the materials constituting the two massifs come from the magam mainly derivedfrom the upper mantle.
Geology of Fujian