为深化造血细胞辐射损伤分子机制的认识 ,应用受体放射分析法观察不同剂量照射的NFS - 6 0细胞照射后不同时间粒细胞集落刺激因子 (G -CSF)受体特性的变化。结果表明 ,NFS - 6 0细胞照射后 30minG -CSF受体的Kd值和Bmax值随着照射剂量的增大而增加 ,其中Kd值增加更为显著 ;照射后 2 4h ,1Gy照射细胞的Kd值及Bmax值已有恢复 ,3、5Gy照射细胞的Kd值未见下降 ,其Bmax值反而较照射后 30min增加更为显著。提示照射后G -CSF受体Kd值的增加可能是造血细胞辐射损伤的原因之一。
To deepen the cognition of the molecular mechanism of radiation injury of hematopoietic cells. Using receptor ligand binding assay the changes of the characteristic of G-CSF receptors of NFS-60 cells were observed after irradiation. The Kd and Bmax of G-CSF receptor of NFS-60 cells were elevated with the radiation dose increasing in 30min after irradiation, and the Kd was increased more markedly. 30min after irradiation , the Kd and Bmax recovered for 1Gy irradiated cells; but even 24h after irradiation, the Kd(s) and Bmax(s) for 3Gy and 5Gy-irradiated cells did not decrease markedly and the Bmax(s) were even larger than those 30h after irradiation. The increase of Kd of G-CSF receptor after irradiation might be one of the reasons for radiation injury of hematopoietic cells.
Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing
国家自然科学基金 (3780 0 0 32 )资助