目的 探讨改良的Weaver-Dunn技术在治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位中的疗效。方法 对19例陈旧性肩锁关节脱位的患者采用改良的Weaver-Dunn技术进行治疗,并予6~26个月的随访,采用宾西法尼亚大学肩关节功能评分标准进行评价,了解肩关节功能恢复情况。结果 按照满分为200分的肩关节功能评分标准,在术后12、24个月,治疗结果分别为182.6±5.9,188.3±5.3。结论改良的Weaver-Dunn技术是治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位的一种理想的方法。
Objective To study the application value of a modified Weaver-Dunn technique in the repair of chronic acromioclavicular separation. Methods Nineteen patients with chronic acromiocla-vicular separations were treated with modified Weaver - Dunn technique and were followed - up six to twenty - six months. The University of Pennsylvania Shoulder Score system was used to evaluate the shoulder function restoration. Results According to the University of Pennsylvania Shoulder Score,the long-term results were 182.6±5.9 and 188.3±5.3 in 12 and 24 months postoperation. Conclusion The modified Weaver - Dunn technique is an ideal procedure for the repair of chronic acromioclavicular separation.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai