
纵行神经束内微电极的制作与动物试验 被引量:3

The fabrication of longitudinally implanted intrafascicular electrodes and animal experiments
摘要 目的 :应用自制的纵行神经束内微电极插入家兔坐骨神经的神经束内进行实验 ,测定电极的刺激和记录特性 ,探讨自制电极的应用价值。方法 :将纵行神经束内微电极分别作为记录电极记录运动诱发电位和感觉神经活动电位 ,作为刺激电极记录肌电 ,并以神经束内针状电极作为对照。结果 :神经束内微电极记录到运动诱发电位和感觉神经活动电位平均波幅分别为 4 .2 4± 1.13mV和 4 78± 173μV ,与神经束内针状电极记录信号的波幅间的差别无统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,并可以作为刺激电极在肌肉处记录到混合相肌电。结论 :自制的纵行神经束内微电极可以作为刺激和记录电极对神经束刺激或记录神经束的电活动。 Objective: Self-made longitudinally implanted intrafascicular electrodes(LIFEs) were inserted into intrafascicle of sciatic nerves in rabbits to detect its stimulating and recording characters and discuss its future use. Method: As recording electrodes, MEP and SNAP were recorded. As stimulating electrodes, EMG of the gastrocnemius muscle were recorded. Result: Longitudinally implanted intrafascicular electrodes could be used in recording MEP and SNAP. The average amplitudes of MEP and SNAP were 4.24±1.13mV and 478±173μV. The average amplitudes of MEP and SNAP recorded by LIFEs and intrafasciclar needle electrodes were no statistically significance( P >0.05). Furthermore, EMG were recorded by stimulating the fascicle with the LIFEs. Conclusion: Self-made longitudinally implanted intrafascicular electrodes can act as intrafascicular stimulating and recording electrodes.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第6期328-330,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助。项目编号 :3 993 0 0 70
关键词 周围神经电极 神经束 运动诱发电位 感觉神经活动电位 peripheral nerve electrodes fascicle MEP SNAP
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