
电子与太阳电磁射线综合辐照对Teflon FEP/Al光学性能的影响 被引量:5

Effects of combined radiation of electrons with solar electromagnetic rays on optical properties of Teflon FEP/Al
摘要  在30keV的电子、质子单独辐照及电子与太阳电磁射线综合辐照作用下,对TeflonFEP Al第二表面镜光学性能的演化进行了研究。试验结果表明,在相同辐照通量与能量乘积的情况下,电子与质子单独辐照后TeflonFEP Al涂层材料的太阳吸收比变化相同,故可用电子与太阳电磁射线综合辐照简化地面模拟加速试验。TeflonFEP Al光学性能退化动力学曲线可描述成加速系数与辐照时间乘积(称为当量辐照时间)的指数函数形式。在当量辐照时间相同的情况下,太阳吸收比的变化与加速系数无关。 In order to explore a method to characterize the service behavior of thermal control coatings in geostationary earth orbit (GEO), evolution in optical properties of Teflon FEP/Al second surface mirror was investigated in the conditions of independent radiation of electrons and/or protons and combined radiation of electrons with solar electromagnetic rays. Experimental results show that the electron radiation would result in an accumulation of negative charges on the surface of Teflon FEP/Al coatings, which might obstruct the experimental results and can be reduced to a quite extent by the simultaneous radiation of solar electromagnetic rays. Under the condition of the same multiplier values of flux and energy, the increment of solar absorptance of Teflon FEP/Al coatings is the same after the independent radiation of electrons and/or protons, and thus the ground simulation tests can be simplified by using the combined radiation of electrons with solar electromagnetic rays. The kinetic degradation curves for optical properties of Teflon FEP/Al coatings can be characterized in the form of exponential function of the multiplier between acceleration factor and radiation time. Under the same values of the multiplier, the increment of solar absorptance is independent from the acceleration factors for radiation.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期848-852,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家重点基础研究专项经费资助课题(G19990650)
关键词 热控涂层 辐照 光学性能 地面模拟 加速试验 聚全氟乙丙烯薄膜 镀铝 航天器 热控材料 TeflonFEP/Al 电子 太阳电磁射线 综合辐照 涂层材料 损伤 thermal control coatings radiation optical properties ground simulation acceleration test
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