目的 :探讨人工心脏瓣膜替换术中的心肌保护及围术期处理。方法 :对 1988 5~ 2 0 0 0 5我院 130例人工心脏瓣膜替换术的治疗结果进行回顾性分析 ,重点比较晶体冷停跳液与温氧合血停搏液的心肌保护效果及围术期处理原则。结果 :1993年以前 5 9例应用冷晶体停跳液和 1993年以后 71例应用温氧合血停搏液进行心肌保护比较 ,病死率和术后并发症有明显差别。结论 :人工心脏瓣膜替换术中应用温氧合血停搏液的心肌保护和良好的围术期处理及手术方法的改进对提高手术成功率和减少手术并发症是十分有益的。
Objective: This paper aims at the study of myocardial protection in artificaial heart valves replacement and the pre-& post-operative treatments. Methods:The treatment results of 130 cases of artificial heart valve replacements were analysed retrospectively, the effects of the myocardial protection by means of cold crystalloid perfusions and continuous warm oxygenated blood perfusions as well as the principles of pre-& post-operative treatments were especially compared and discussed. Results: There exists a striking difference in death rate and complications between the 59-case operations by the use of cold crystalloid perfusions before 1993 and the 71 cases operations by the use of continuous warm oxygenated blood perfusions after 1993 in the myocardial protections. Conclusion: Artificial heart valve replacoment is currently the chief and effective method in the treatment of heart valve disease. The myocardial protection by the use of continuous warm oxygenated blood perfusions and satisfactory pre-& post-operative treatments are beneficial to the improvement of surgical operations and the reduction of surgical complications.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College