在市场经济条件下实施西部大开发 ,既要发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用 ,又要发挥政府尤其是西部地方政府的推动、引导作用。而要有效发挥地方政府在西部大开发中的重要作用 ,实现政府和社会、政府和市场、政府和企业关系的整合 ,就务必要对西部地方政府的职能进行合理界定。
In order to develop Western China under market economy circumstances, it is nece ssary to give full play not only to the basic role of the market in resource all ocation but also to the promotion and guidance of governments, particularly of W estern local governments. It is essential to rationally define the functions of Western local governments so as to bring into effective play their important par t in Western development and integrate the relationships between government and society, government and market, and government and enterprises.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics