欧洲发达国家公民环境权的发展趋势是 :通过一系列程序性权利作为工具手段以加强道德性的集体共享权和限制财产性的个人权利。公民环境权可以被分为两种类型 :良好环境权与开发利用环境资源权。良好环境权是一种共享权 ,其法律主体是作为一个整体概念的人类 ,但其真正的法律主体是当代人。开发利用环境资源权主要是一种财产权以及从事与财产相关的活动的权利 ,但受到一系列技术和法律上的限制 ,使公共福利大大加强。但实际生活中 ,两种类型的环境权可能会发生冲突。因此 ,每一个人需要被程序法赋予获得司法救济的法律地位。
The trend of citizen's environmental rights in European developed countries is to strengthen morally collective shared rights and limit individual property rights through a series of procedural rights as instruments.Citizen's environmental rights should be divided into two types,right to a good environment and right to use the environment.Right to a good environment is a kind of shared right.Its legal subject is human being as a whole,but the real subject is the present generation.Right to use the environment is mainly the property right and the right to engage in activities in relation to property,with a series of technical and legal limitation.And thus the common welfare is promoted.But still,the two types of environmental rights may conflict each other in real life.Therefore,everyone needs to be titled legal standing in procedural law so as to get judicial remedy.
Issues of Forestry Economics
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