林业法制是促使森林资源资产化管理改革工作顺利进行的重要保障。为此 ,要针对现行林业法制建设的不足之处 ,通过加快林业法制建设 ,尽快地制定和完善相关的法律、法规 ,并同时注意严格执法和强化执法监督 ,以推进森林资源资产化管理改革的进程。
The construction of forestry legal system is the indispensable safeguard of Forest Resources Assetization Management(FRAM).Therefore,be aimed at get over the shortage of existing forestry legal system,people must set up and perfected forest laws and regulations as soon as possible.In the same time,the departments that carry out the laws and regulations should pay more attention to execute it,and people should regard the supervision to the executives who execute the laws and regulations as an important work,so that it will be propitious to push the course of FRAM.
Issues of Forestry Economics