以大量的野外实测剖面资料和测试分析资料为基础 ,研究了湘鄂西地区震旦系至奥陶系中 4个重点储集层段 ,即灯影组、石龙洞组、三游洞群和红花园组的储层特征 ,指出灯影组和三游洞群储层物性条件较好 ,其次为石龙洞组 ,红花园组较差。储层物性变化规律研究表明 ,灯影组和石龙洞储层下部物性条件较上部好 ,而三游洞群和红花园组储层物性上下基本一致 ;平面上 ,灯影组储层物性高值区呈南北向带状分布于研究区东西两侧 ;石龙洞组储层物性高值区位于研究区西北部 ;三游洞群储层物性高值区位于研究区中部 。
Based on number of data from field profiles and test analysis, reservoir properties are studied for 4 important reservoirs, such as Dengying Formation, Shilongdong Formation, Sanyoudong Group and Honghuayuan Formation of Sinian to Ordovician in western Hunan and Hubei. It is pointed out that in Dengying Formation and Sanyoudong Group structural and physical conditions of the reservoir pores are better, but those of Shilongdong and Honghuayuan are poorer. The study of reservoir physical changes shows that the physical conditions in the lower part are better than that of the upper part in Dengying and Shilongdong, but the physical conditions between the lower and the upper are basically consistent in Sanyoudong and Honghuayuan. On the plane, the better reservoir in Dengyin Formation is distributed with south-north belts at both sides of the studied area,in Shilongdong Formation is located at north-west part of the studied area, in Sanyoudong Group is located in the middle of the studied area; the reservoir property in Honghuayuan Formation is basically consistent .
Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute