
数据仓库中基于实体化辅助视图的视图增量维护 被引量:5

Incremental Maintenance of View Based on Auxiliary Views in Data Warehouse
摘要 为了加快对大量数据的查询处理速度 ,通常在数据仓库以实视图方式存储数据 .当基础数据发生变化时 ,这些实视图也必须随着更新 .因而视图自维护和一致性维护成为数据仓库的重要问题 .本文提出利用视图计算的中间结果创建辅助视图 ,在数据仓库中进行实体化 ,采用有效的增量维护算法计算实视图和辅助视图的精确变化 。 We often store data in the warehouse as materialized views in order to speedup query processing on large amounts of data. These views need to be maintained in response to update in the source data. The issue of self-maintainability and consistency of the view is an important issue in data warehousing. In the paper we show that the warehouse views can be made self-maintainable with the auxiliary views , which derived from the intermediate results of the view computation can be materialized in the warehouse. Then proposed an efficient incremental maintenance algorithm that computes the exact updates to both the materialized view and auxiliary views.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期251-254,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家 8 63/CIMS项目基金 ( No.640 90 0 2 0 12 )资助 江苏省"九五"重点攻关课题资助 ( No.BG980 1) 江苏"十五"高科技项目 ( No:BG2 0 0 10 13)资助
关键词 数据仓库 实体化辅助视图 视图增量维护 增量维护算法 数据源 数据库 data warehouse materialized view auxiliary view view self-maintainability incremental maintenance algorithm
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