经连续 2a采用小球藻轮虫、酵母轮虫和乌贼肝油 +小球藻进行营养强化的轮虫培育鲻鱼苗 ,直观比较鱼苗的存活率和生长发育情况 .结果表明 :以乌贼肝油营养强化轮虫为饵的鱼苗 ,经 35d的培育存活率最高 ,为 2 5%~ 6 1 % ;以小球藻轮虫为饵的鱼苗次之 ,存活率为 1 3%~ 2 4% ;而以酵母轮虫为饵鱼苗的存活率是最低的 ,仅培育 1 0~ 1 5d ,仔鱼就全部死亡 ;以乌贼肝油营养强化轮虫为饵的鱼苗生长速度最快 ,个体大小整齐、肥满 ,变态时间比小球藻轮虫组提早 1~ 2d ,最长达 3~ 4d .
The experiments had been done in 1995 and 1996,and the results showed that:(1)The highest survival rate and best growth of larvae of Mugil cephalus among the experiment groups was the group fed on rotifers enriched with liver's oil of cuttlefish,because of their good composition of highly unsaturated fatty acid. The survival rate was (25%~61%),the larvae obtained healthy growth,and the days of metamorphosis into fingerlings was less than other groups. The second was the group fed on rotifer cultured with Chlorella sp. The survival rate was 13%~24%. The worst result was the group fed on rotifer cultured with bake's yeast,in which the larvae only lived out 10~15d.(2) On growth rate of fry,the group one also took the best. In this testing group,the fry developed healthily,and the days of metamorphosis into fingerlings were less than those in any other two groups.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait
国家"九五"科技攻关项目 [96- 0 08- 0 1 -0 1- 10 (2 ) ]