使用一般气候站资料 ,用P T法分析大气稳定度 ,其系统误差的大小主要在于缺少夜间的观测记录 .本文针对这一资料特点 ,提出 4种逼近夜间 0 2 :0 0实际情况的方法 .经验证 ,4种方法都能保证基本结论不发生变化 ,达到与 4时次记录相当的水平 ,系统性误差得到缓解 ,对实际工作有一定的参考作用 .
The magnitude of systematic error is mostly caused from the lack of observation records of nights, when the information of general climate stations to analyse atmospheric stability with P-T method is used. In view of this information characteristics, 4 kinds of ways to approach the actual situation at 02:00 are brought forward. After validation, all the 4 kinds of ways can guarantee that the basic conclusion does not change, reaching a level corresponding to 4 hour-times, so as to relax the systematic error. This improvement is helpful to the actual work.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait