内蒙古多伦地区位于我国北方农牧交错带的东南部 ,10处史前人类遗存点的发现填补了该地区史前人类研究的空白 .对发掘出的 2 892件石器进行了较系统的统计与分析 ,探讨了石器的组合特点及其演化序列 ,确定其文化期为新石器时代早期至中期 ,距今约 10~ 6ka ,认为该地区史前人类的经济方式早期为采集和狩猎方式 ,晚期出现了原始农业 .并进一步讨论了史前人类活动与生态环境的关系 ,指出生态环境对史前人类的经济、文化发展有着决定性的影响 ,而原始农业等生产性经济方式在一定程度上加速了生态环境的恶性循环 .
The discovery of 10 prehistoric man sites was the beginning research on the prehistoric man and their activities in the Duolun area that is in southeastern farming animal husbandry zigzag zone of North China. There were 2 892 artifacts discovered in the area and including chopping tools, grinding tools and many fragments of potteries. The shapes and the assembling characteristics of those artifacts shows that the cultural periods of the 10 sites were from the early Neolithic to the middle Neolithic, about 10~6 kaB.P.. During the early phase of that time, the prehistoric man in the area lived on gathering and hunting, and during the late phase, the appearance of the tools for tilth such as a stone hoe indicated the birth of the original farming. However, these prehistoric mans activities were fairly affected by ecologic environment that would control the economic and cultural development during the prehistoric period. On the other hand, with the intrinsic irrationality, the original farming would aggravate the vicious circle of ecologic environment in a certain extent.
Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences
国家自然科学基金 (No .49772 13 4)