In this paper, the methods for developing the master chr on ologies for 1000-year-old Qilian Juniper (Sabina przewalskii Kom.) are intr oduced in detail. Since the studied sites are located in the arid re gion of northeast Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, the tree-ring cores sampled c ontain a certain number of missing rings and several false rings. To assure the proper placement in time of each growth layer for the 100 0-year-old trees, some improvements were made in the practice of maste r chronologic development. Firstly, trees with a variety of ages were sampl ed besides very old trees. The large sample depth benefited the identification of missing rings for cores from old trees and avoided the possibility that all collected specimens could be missing a ring for any one year. Secondl y, cores from younger trees and from trees that exhibit a little width variation were selected to do the skeleton plot first and cores wit h many missing rings were done last when the ring-width pattern was known. Thirdly, inferring where rings may be missing was made based o n the agreement among the narrow rings as well as among the wide ri ngs. If the agreement of wide rings is not so good and there were some m issing rings, the chronology from nearby sites was used to infer the year of missing ring occurrence. Finally, several methods, such as the comput er program COFECHA and the line plots were used to examine the datin g and the measurements of ring width for a site. The number of core s without missing rings and time span covered by them were also inspected to avoid the possibility that all collected specimens were added a missing ring for any one year. The Gleichlaufigkeit statistics was used to ex amine the dating agreement between master chronologies of different sites.
Acta Geographica Sinica