Objective To diag nose and differentiate endometrial lesions by transvaginal color Doppler ul tra sound.Method Fifty five women include out patients and inpatients who are diagnosed endometrial hyperpla sia,polyp,submu cons my oma and carcinoma.The width,mor phology and blood flow of en dometrium were obeserved by transvagi nal color Doppler ultra sound and finally proved by di latation and curetlage of the uterus or by operation.Re sults Ac cord ing to different imag ing characteris tics,en-dometrial hyperpla sia,polyp,submucons myoma and carcinoma were diag nosed efficiently by transvagi nal color Doppler ul tra sound.The re sis tance index(RI )of en dome trial carcinoma was below0.05(RI <0.05).And it is useful in dif ferentiating all kinds of benign endome trial lesions and dis tiguish ing benign or ma lig nant en dome trial le sions.Con clu sion Transvagi nal color Doppler ul -tra sound has impor tant prac tical value at diag nosing en dome trial le sions before operation.
Jilin Medical Journal