回顾20世纪中医药发展的历程 ,从世界医学的角度 ,冷静和客观地审视中医药学的发展趋势。认为在21世纪 ,中医药学的优势将得到更充分的发挥 ,中西医结合的临床作用将日趋明显 ,21世纪将全面实现中药现代化 ,多学科研究中医将成为中医现代化的重要手段和途径 。
Calmly and objectively examine5big developing trends of TCMby reviewing the development course of TCMin20 th century and standing at the high point of world medicine.The article states that,in21 st century,the advantages of TCMwill be more fully exerted,the clinical function of the combination of TCMand western medicine(WM)will be more obvious day by day,the modernization of traditional Chinese drugs(TCD)will be completely realized,studying TCMwith multiˉsubjects will become the important measure and way of TCMmodernization and the international exchange and operation in TCMwill be closer and closer.
Journal of Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine