
浙江省肠易激综合征的流行病学和患者生活质量研究 被引量:50

An epidemiological and quality of life study of irritable bowel syndrome in Zhejiang province
摘要 目的 获取浙江省肠易激综合征 (IBS)就诊人群的有关流行病学和生活质量资料 ,并评价汉化版生活质量量表 (SF 36 )在IBS患者生活质量研究中的应用。方法  2 0 0 1年 1月至 2 0 0 2年 1月同期收集浙江省IBS患者。研究采用问卷调查方式 ,问卷内容包括一般资料、症状问卷量表和SF 36。结果  (1)IBS性别和发病年龄构成与普通人群差异有显著性 ;高中和中专以上学历、在科研部门及国家机关工作者在IBS人群的构成显著高于普通人群。 (2 )IBS患者除了常见的结肠症状外 ,常诉有其他的结肠外症状 ,并常合并有一定的社会心理状况异常。 (3)IBS患者的生活质量受到严重影响 ,在活力、总体健康、精神健康和躯体疼痛等维度生活质量下降最为明显。 (4 )不同年龄段、不同性别IBS患者生活质量与杭州市普通人群相比 ,除生理功能外 ,其余 7个维度积分均有显著下降。结论 IBS的发病与性别、年龄、文化程度和职业相关。IBS严重影响患者的生活质量。中文版SF Objective To evaluate the prevalence and quality of life (QOL)on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients in Zhejiang province, and to evaluate the applying of Chinese version of the SF 36 questionnaire on IBS. Methods From Jan 2001 through Jan 2002, IBS patients from city, island, countryside and suburban in 10 hospitals in Zhejiang province were recruited to the study. 662 Roma Ⅱ criteria positive IBS patients completed the demographic checklists, symptoms questionnaire and QOL by Chinese version of the SF 36. We compared the demographic characteristics of IBS with the general population in Zhejiang province. The previously reported SF 36 (Chinese vision) data in general population were considered normative QOL. Results (1)Male to female was 0 89:1. Compared with general population, IBS was more common in female ( P <0.05), adults in 25 50 years old ( P <0.001), and among high educated and cadres samples( P <0.001).(2)The dominant symptoms in IBS included the change of stool formation(79.1%), abnormal of processing of stool(67.9%), abdominal pain(67 7%), abdominal distention(63.2%)and mucous stool(49.8%). Besides colonic symptoms, IBS can cause generalized body discomfort and psychosocial problems. (3)IBS patients experienced significant impairment in QOL. Decrements are most pronounced in vitality, general health, mental health and bodily pain scales.(4) Compared with the general population in Hangzhou city(adjusted to gender and age), IBS patients scored significantly lower on all SF 36 scales ( P <0.001), with the exception of physical function scale. There was a significant correlation between symptom scores and all 8 SF 36 scales. Conclusions The prevalence of IBS had a close correlation with sex, age, education and profession. IBS patients experience significant impairment in QOL. The Chinese version of the SF 36 Health Survey Scales may be a useful measurement of IBS patients. These data offer further insight into epidemiology and the impact of IBS on patient functional status and well being of Chinese.
出处 《中华内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期34-37,共4页 Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine
关键词 浙江 肠易激综合征 流行病学 生活质量 研究 Colonic diseases, functional Epidemiology Quality of Life
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