从84份黄瓜品种资源中经自交或系内混合授粉选育出400余份试材,从中筛选出优良自交系96481-1-自混-1-混和8273-1-12-10-6混,经杂交配制而成一代杂种翠绿。该品种植株生长势强,主蔓结瓜为主,瓜短圆筒形,皮浅绿色,瓜条顺直,瓜表面光滑无棱沟,刺瘤褐色,小且稀少。瓜长约20 cm,横径约3 cm,3心室。平均单瓜质量150 g左右,瓜把长2.6 cm,小于瓜长的1/7,肉厚占横径的60%左右。秋季平均667 m2产量1 758.6 kg,比对照津研4号和秋棚1号分别增产91.6%和70.5%,差异极显著;春季平均667 m2产量3 750.4 kg,比对照青研黄瓜1号平均增产36.29%。抗细菌性角斑病、霜霉病和枯萎病。
'Cuilu'is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing self line 96481-1-1 with 8273-1-12-10-6. It grows vigorously with high resistant to downy mildew and Fusarium will. In autumn it takes only 40-45 days from sowing to first harvesting. Average fruit weight is about 150 g. Fruits are green,sweet and crispy with high marketable percentage. The fruit neck is about 2.6 cm which is about 1/7 of fruit length. It yields 26.8 t.hm-2 ,91.6 % higher than that of 'Jinyan No.4' .
China Vegetables